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What is your best look?

16 Nov

Choosing the perfect cut for you can be a hard decision, but there are really just a few simple things that you need to keep in mind when deciding what cut best fits you. And when you find that great look wear it proud!

Hairstyles are a lot like fashion. They have most defiantly changed over the years and continues to change.

Picture found on Just Another day at Mullet place.

So we know that “perfect” hairstyles will change. This is, because an important part in choosing a hairstyle for you is your style or your personality. What you like and how you dress all aid in finding the perfect fit for a hairstyle. So during your life time your “perfect” style may change, but always make sure it fits you.

Keeping in mind that your personal preference has a lot to do with what hair style will look best on you, your body type and face shape  also are important roles in picking a great hair cut. The shape of your face can show you things like, which way to part your hair, how long your hair should be, or even whether or not to have layers. A good way to figure out your face shape is by holding back your hair from your face while looking in a mirror. Then outline (with something that can wash off) on to the mirror, the shape of your face. So here are some tips on general face shapes and what hair cuts usually look good on each of them.

Square Face






picture found on Hairstyles for Face shape

A square face will have a broader forehead and squared off jaw line. Good hair cuts for this shape of face would be things with long layers, no chopped off layered looks. Also parting your hair off to the side would add to the hair cut. The best cuts would be soft, even cuts. Soft curls would also look really well on this shape face.

Round Face





picture found on

With a round face, the distance between the forehead and the chin is almost equal with the cheeks. Cuts that are layered towards the face are best for this face shape. Shorter in length may be more flattering and bangs can make the face look longer and slimmer.

Oval Face





picture found on Virtual Hair Styles

An Oval shaped face will have a wide cheek bone with a pointed type chin. This shape is considered to be the perfect shaped face and that almost any hair style will look good on it.

Heart Face






picture found on Hairstyles for Face Shape

A Heart shaped face’s widest point is at eye level. Good hair cuts for this face would be bobs. Something that rounds around the eyes and tappers down to the chin. Maybe even some curls near the chin.

Oblong Face





picture found on Winter News letter

The Oblong Face shape usually has a slightly wider fore head. It is good to have a hair cut that gives an illusion of width. This is to balance the face and “shrink” the fore head. Shorter layers and/or bangs fit well with this face type. Scrunched curls are also a good look for this face type.


Other information found in Hair Care and Hairstyles by Nicky Pope.

Want longer hair sooner?

8 Nov

Do you need some, temporarily, long hair for a fun night out? OR Want longer hair now! EXTENSIONS!

I have experimented some before with clip in hair extensions. Never really seemed to like them, but only because I find it weird to instantly have REALLY long hair. Recently, though, I have found that there are extensions that are much shorter than 16inches. So for those of you out there like me, who want longer hair, but not an arm length of difference. There is hope!

There are two main kinds of extensions: real hair or fake hair.

picture found on

Fake hair extensions are best for temporary times. When you want a certain look or length. They come in different colors and lengths. They can NOT be washed, dyed, or styled. They come in different styles so that you can find the one right for you, but you can’t style them in different ways, because you will mess up the hair.

Real hair (or human hair) extensions are best for those who want to be able to play with the hair and style it different on different days. They also come in different lengths, colors, and styles. They even come in different textures.With Real hair extensions you are able to color and style, even while using heat tools. So if you can’t find that perfect color, you can dye the extension to match your hair.

Real Hair extensions

After you decide if real or fake hair extensions would fit your style better, you can decide between clip-in extensions or a weave. If you want permanent length to your hair, and just don’t have time to wait for your hair to grow you probably would want to get a weave. There are many salons that do hair extensions. Prices are based on length, and strands of hair. Some salons that do hair extensions are JYL Craven , Salon v9 , Three-13.
If you decided that you do not always want long hair, but just on specials days or at special events, then you should go for clip in hair extensions. They are easy and quick!